We all want to apply best oil for hair care. It is said that oil massage or champi is very good for the hair. Oil massage increases hair growth, fights scalp problems and also helps treat dry and frizzy hair naturally. There are many oils for hair care. However, coconut oil is very popular. This is because of the numerous hair benefits that this oil offers. However, castor oil and almond oil are few of the best oils for hair care.

Coconut Oil: Hair massage with coconut oil thrice a week before hair wash gives great results. This oil benefits the hair as it increases hair growth, treats hair fall and also provides relief from dry and itchy scalp. Coconut oil keeps the scalp moisturised and also brings a shine in the hair. You can do a warm hair oil massage 1-2 hours before hair wash. To treat dandruff, mix coconut oil with lemon juice and apply on the hair. Coconut oil can be mixed with boiled hibiscus flowers to treat hair fall naturally. 

Almond Oil: This is one of the best oils for hair care. Almond oil is widely popular for increasing hair growth. To get thick, long and strong hair, massage your hair with almond oil and leave overnight. Next day follow up with a nice hair wash. Apart from strengthening hair and increasing hair growth, almond oil also cleans the scalp and prevents itching. 

Castor Oil: Castor oil is also good for increasing hair growth. You can massage you hair with castor oil to treat hair fall and increase hair growth. It is best for hair care as castor oil also improves the quality of the hair. 

Mustard Oil: Mustard oil is one of the best home remedies to treat hair fall and also maintain the hair colour. Warm mustard oil hair massage has numerous benefits. Mustard oil is widely used to maintain the black hair colour. Moreover, it is one of the best oils for hair care. If you are scared because of the strong smell of this oil, then relax. A nice hair wash will reduce the smell and it will completely go off after the hair dries. 

These are few best oils for hair. To get the benefits of these hair oils, massage your scalp for 15-20 minutes and then wrap with a towel. This helps the hair roots absorb the oil and provide good results. 

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