The new and improved beauty remedy which is the answer to all your skin problems is ice cubes. To get a fresh and rejuvenated look which can last up to a week is the ice cube face remedy. The ice cube face remedy is essentially used for a number of skin care problems. No more using those harsh beauty products which promise a glow. 

The sensation of an ice cube have proved to give you positive results. The cold ice cube face remedy is also one of the fastest ways which one can use to restore a dewy look. The trick you should follow when you use the ice cube for face remedy is to massage your face with the cube in muslin cloth because applying ice cubes directly on the face can break the delicate capillaries under the skin.

  • It is said that ice cubes is used for acne. It is however true, since ice cubes can help soothe the area around acne. The chill water helps to remove the oily glands from the face thus decreasing the onset of acne. 
  • A perfect solution to reduce the fat on your face is by making use of the ice cube on face. All you have to do is wash your face with crushed iced water for a week. This procedure will help to keep the fat cells under control. 
  • Those who are suffering from large pores, the solution to your problem is, use an ice cube face remedy for 30 days. This is a simple procedure, all you have to do is wrap ice cubes in cotton and massage it gently on the face and neck. 
  • For an instant relief from sun burn, an ice cube face remedy is the key. Ice cubes with a drop of rose water can help soothe your sun burned skin. 
  • Use an ice cube face remedy to get rid of facial hair. This is however a long process as the coldness helps to gradually deaden the hair root. After you massage your face with the cubes, use a natural face scrub.

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