Some women are born with a dark patch around their lips and others acquire dark patches around their lips due to the lifestyle choices they make or practices they follow. One of the main reasons for getting darkness around lips is smoking. So if you want those dewy pink lips you have always wanted, then it is time to kick the habit. Another important reason for your lips and skin around it turning dark is constant exposure to the harsh sun. You can avoid this and retain the original shade of your lips by always applying a lip balm which has SPF protection. Lipsticks always play a major role in darkening the skin around the lips. So prolonged use of lipstick will only make your lips darker. Apart from sun exposure and improper maintenance, having dry and chapped lips will always make the skin around your lips become dark.

Always take some glycerin on a cotton bud and apply it to your lips and the area around your lips. This will keep this area hydrated and retain the moisture. This will also reduce the darkness around the lips and will make it easier to hide.

A pack of banana, yogurt and honey can be made by mashing all the ingredients together. This can be applied to the skin around the lips and left for around 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse it off with cold water and observe the darkness around the lips fading away. This pack can be applied regularly to reduce the darkness around your lips.

A great way to hide the darkness around your lips is to apply a bit of concealer around the affected area. This will effectively hide the dark pigmentation and make your skin tone even and unblemished.

Lime juice is an excellent bleach, due to its acidic properties. It is regularly used to lighten the skin shade. Lime juice can be regularly applied to the area around the lips to reduce the dark pigmentation. Prolonged use will make the darkness around the lips faded and easier to hide.

A paste of turmeric powder and gram flour can be made by adding a little milk. This paste can be applied to the areas around the lips to lighten the skin tone in that area and to get rid of the dark pigmentation. Regularly applying this paste on the areas around the lips will help hide the darkness around your lips by making it fade away.

Almond A great way to lighten the skin around your lips is to apply some almond oil on that area. You can also make an almond paste by crushing almonds and soaking them overnight in milk and applying it on the dark pigmented areas around your lips. If you use this home remedy regularly, you will be able to effectively hide the darkness around your lips.


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