Dark underarms is a very common skin problem. Most people have dark pigmented skin on their underarms because of using harsh deodorants and perfumes. However, it is quite easy to lighten your underarms provided you use the right means. Lemon on dark underarms can really work wonders. If you use lemon on dark underarms, you are bound to get results.

How To Use Lemon On Dark Underarms 

Squeeze the juice out of 2 lemons. Now dip a cotton pad in the lemon juice and dab your underarms with it. Now lift your arms and allow the lemon juice to dry on your underarms. Do not keep your arms on your sides or else, the friction will waste the effect of the lemon juice. Let your armpits dry for 10 minutes and then take a shower.

Things To Remember

  • Your underarms must be clean or waxed. If there is any hair, it might get tangled and strain the skin. 
  • If you feel any irritation due to the lemon juice, it means that you might be allergic to the citrus fruit. Wipe it off immediately and never try it again. 
  • The skin on your underarms is tender so never rub or scrub your underarms aggressively. It might bruise the skin. 
  • Always use a body oil or moisturiser after using lemon on your underarms. This is because lemon dries up the skin.

  • Why Use Lemon On Dark Underarms?

    • Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and thus contains lots of antioxidants. But lemon helps to quicken the cell renewal process of the underarms. Thus the dark and pigmented skin of the underarm is lightened by appearance of new cells. 
    • Lemon is one of the best natural bleaches. Lemon juice is often used on the face to get rid of blemishes and dark patches. Even on your dark underarms, lemon acts as a natural bleach and helps reduce the pigmentation. 
    • Lemon also has anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties. So even if your underarms have darkened due to some skin infection, lemon juice can easily cure it. 
    • Last but not the least, lemon is an absolutely natural ingredient. It is a 100 percent safer than any other chemical bleaches available in the market.
    These are some of the reasons why using lemon on dark underarms can lighten them.


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