A painful wisdom tooth is always a bad experience for any of us. The wisdom tooth pain is so terrible that we have difficulty opening our mouth and we experience pain during chewing food. It is natural as wisdom tooth starts coming after 25.

While few start feeling the pain of wisdom tooth from the early ages of 25, there are a majority of people who get it in their late 30s. If you suddenly feel some pain in the gums, you can be check out the symptoms. You might be getting old with the growing wisdom tooth. Apart from checking tee painful symptoms, you need instant relief from pain. If you are suffering from wisdom tooth pain, you can try some home remedies to get immediate relief from it.

There are many ingredients in your kitchen and home which you can apply on your sore wisdom tooth and get releif from pain. For example, eating ice cream is one of the most effective and traditional ways of reducing wisdom tooth pain. The chilled ice cream numbs the portion which provides instant relief. If you have wisdom tooth pain, do not drink or eat too hot or spicy foods. Here are few home ingredients that are at your disposal and provide instant relief.

Home Ingredients For Wisdom Tooth Pain Relief:

Applying a cold ice pack compress on the affected area is a good way to reduce the pain. It is a great relief for wisdom tooth pain. Wrap an ice pack in a paper towel and apply it on your wisdom tooth. Keep applying this cold ice pack compress in 20 minutes intervals and get relief from wisdom tooth pain.

Mix a teaspoon of salt with a cup of lukewarm water and rinse your mouth with it. Salt has natural healing properties. It soothes irritated tissues and flushes out bacteria. Warm salt water rinse is a very soothing solution for wisdom tooth pain. It will help reduce the wisdom tooth pain.

Do you like cucumbers? If yes, then it is really wonderful for your teeth. Cut some thick slices of refrigerated or frozen cucumbers. It will help relieve your wisdom tooth pain. The vitamins and minerals present in the cucumber ease the wisdom tooth pain.

Put a few drops of clove oil on a piece of gauze or cotton ball and put it on your sore tooth. You will get immediate relief from your wisdom tooth pain. Clove oil is used as an antiseptic for many purposes.

Oregano oil is also a very good home ingredient for wisdom tooth pain relief. It is also applied in the same manner like clove oil. Put a few drops of oregano oil on a cotton ball and then apply it on the affected area.

If you are suffering from wisdom tooth pain, chew peppermint. It is a natural herb which has anesthetic properties. If you chew peppermint for some time, it helps reducing the wisdom tooth pain.


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