Sonam Kapoor, the fashionista of Bollywood who loves to wear vintage outfits is making a style statement these days. Sonam Kapoor is too busy promoting her upcoming movie, Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. And at the promotions, Sonam Kapoor is donning different looks which will drop your jaws! Be it a traditional look or chic western look, Sonam Kapoor is wrapping up different outfits with style and elegance. Yesterday, we spotted Sonam Kapoor in a floral Payal Pratap anarkali at the Bhaag Milkha Bhaag promotions. Sonam looked breathtaking in this Indian outfit.
This creamy white full-sleeve anarkali with floral motif is from Payal Pratap's Spring 2013 collection. Sonam Kapoor completed the look with half pinned hair. Earlier we have seen Sonam Kapoor in Anamika Khanna, Tarun Tahiliani, Atsu Sekhose and various other fashion labels at the promotions of BMB (Bhaag Milkha Bhaag). Recently Sonam ditched her pretty chic look and went stylishly bold in a block printed Barbara Casasola full-sleeved gown. If we track down Sonam Kapoor's look during BMB promotions, even her romantic Dolce and Gabbana knee length dress was really impressive. Take a look at different avatars of Sonam Kapoor from Bhaag Milkha Bhaag promotions.
Sonam is looking pretty in this creamy white full-sleeve Payal Pratap anarkali knee length suit. It has pink floral motifs on it. Half pinned hair with soft summer curls on the sides look chic.
Sonam is looking like a style diva in this full-sleeve Barbara Casasola's colour block rosewood and violet silk long-sleeved gown with slip hip pockets on the inverted pleat skirt. The gown is from his Fall 2013 collection. She completed the look with smokey eye makeup, gold earrings and centre-parting straight hair.
This red lace Dolce and Gabbana Fall 2013 knee length sheer dress is making Sonam look like a doll. She completed this look with gold earrings, side sling bag and flat bellies.
Sonam Kapoor wore an Anamika Khanna designed full-sleeve off-white salwaar suit. She completed this desi look with flat mojris and jeweled drop earrings. Sonam Kapoor looked stunning in this Tarun Tahiliani orange saree which had golden piping on the border. The plain saree was teamed up with a red collar neck cut-out blouse. She was styled by Tanya Ghavri and makeup was by Namrata Soni.
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